Is Plus Size Clothing Niche For Obese Prospering?

Recent figures of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in its report two thirds of American women are either obese or overweight.

Public health officials and doctors have advised Americans to slim down for health reasons while the fashion industry is ready to take them as they are.

Both clothing mass markets and expensive clothing designers have realized that the fattening of American women populace is a big business opportunity to cater with.

The standard clothing where most stores and clothing designers have focused into in recent years, now it has come down to fewer and fewer customers due to the bulging waistline of the American population.

It was noted that it is not always easy for retailers venturing into the world of obese shoppers. Some bigger women do not like to try on clothes in the same fitting rooms as smaller women.

Although Americans have grown steadily heavier in this last decade, plus size clothing, still makes up at 17 percent of the women’s apparel market today.

Some disadvantages however, have been noted down which are as follows: Extra plus sizes are more difficult and expensive to make than traditional sizes; and besides plus size stocks can take up valuable storage space.

On the other hand, plus size clothing materials can take the largest portion of garment’s cost which is up to 60 percent. Larger sizes require not only more of it but sometimes different production processes have also to be considered.

As retailers who are searching ways to invigorate sales, they acknowledge that the extra large size clothing apparel is one of those fewer categories where there is growth.

A market research survey has noted that the extra large size clothing market increased by 1.4 percent while overall womens apparel has decreased by 0.8 percent in the last twelve months.

“It just makes business sense,” said Gwen Devoe, a former model and fashion show producer. “I’ve been told several times that no one fantasizes about being a plus size woman, and that’s probably true, but the fact remains that you have to work with what you have.” she added.

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