The Advantages Of Robotic Assisted Surgery

With the advent of robotic technology, the medical field is among those that has benefited in its application. In the US, doctors began performing robotic assisted surgeries since 1985 when the surgical arm called PUMA 560 was used in a delicate biopsy.

It was then followed by the first laparoscopic procedure involving robotic techniques in 1987. In the following years later, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the first surgical robot in America, known as AESOP.

The other much advanced robotic system is the Da Vinci, it is a robotic arm which is connected and controlled through a viewing console. The surgeon performs the procedure as he controls and manipulating the robotic arm as he looks on at the operating field from the monitor.

Not only that, the arm is equipped with instruments that can perform complex medical procedures, something that is beyond the capability of human hands in the traditional procedure.

Da Vinci robot is the first choice in the US when it comes to operating patient with prostate cancer. Moreover, the robotic device can also perform other procedure like laparoscopy, urinary bladder surgery, colorectal cancer surgery and reconstructive chemo surgeries.

With the use of robotic assisted surgery, patients can recover quickly as against using the traditional open surgery. In a robotic assisted operation procedure, a patient can be discharged after a week stay in the hospital compared to the traditional procedure that it will take up ten days to two weeks for patient to recover.

The most beneficial side in using the same in operation procedure is that, it requires only small incision, about a centimeter in diameter thereby minimizing loss of blood and patient can feel less pain after surgical operation and most importantly the patient recover faster, thus reducing downtime.

The device is equipped with a fail-safe mechanism to safeguard lapses during any medical procedure in which accordingly, the robot will stop working if the operating surgeon take his eyes off at the eyepiece of the monitoring console.

Though surgeons are expert in their respective field of specialty, they still have to undergo training in mechanized robotic surgery procedure to gain expertise before they can perform any robotic assisted medical procedure.

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