Be A Proactive Consumer And Protect Your Right Of Choice

When it comes to choices, as consumer, it is everyone’s basic right to choose, however, you can be equally responsible in keeping yourself informed of how really good and reasonable you are about your choices.

As a responsible consumer to start with, there are millions of products that are offered worldwide but you must be selective in protecting yourself from misleading advertisement and shun consumer products that don’t serve the best interest to consumers.

Only patronize consumer goods offering better concession and value. Monitor and note down products that adhere to the ethics of truth in advertising and refrain from being misled by unscrupulous vendors and advertisers.

Every Consumer has the right of choice and access to products that are in compliance with quality and safety standards set by the government regulatory body. It is also of anyone’s right to approve or reject from onerous terms and restrictions in service contracts for telecoms, internet, electricity and other services.

Everyone has the right to safe and efficient transportation with few glitches accessible in going his or her way. Any experience of inconvenience and inefficiency would only negate the impression of a quick and reliable transport services to passengers.

Being a responsible consumer means being aware of your rights and the consumer protection services provided by law and various government agencies. Be a proactive consumer and actively protect your right to choose of safe, reliable quality products.

Other globally recognized rights in store for every consumer to wit:

*** To be given the facts and information to make right choices.

*** To select from a range of quality and reasonably price goods and services.

*** To be protected against any hazards that can affect one’s health or life.

*** To be duly represented in policy or in product development to obtain proper consumer education.

*** To get a fair resolution of just claims.

*** To respect everyone’s right to live and work in a healthy and sustainable environment.

Along with these rights, every consumer has to be vigilant and critically aware of the social and environmental impacts of his or her choices.


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