Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Its Causes And Prevention

The frequent use of any hand tools or equipment that usually need a strenuous hand pressure, grip or excessive force application in a prolong and repetitive use while working may lead to a disorder called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) which ends up feeling the pain and numbness to your hand.

CTS, is one of the pathological conditions under repetitive strain injury whose effect can be debilitating.

The carpal tunnel is a passageway in the palm side of the wrist. Running through the carpal tunnel are the tendons that are used in flexing the fingers, wrist and the median nerve.

The median nerve supplies sensation to the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers. It is also responsible for the functioning of the muscles at the base of the thumb, also known as thenar muscles.

When there is swelling in the carpal tunnel, due may be to excessive force; the median nerve is impinged. When pressure is exerted on the median nerve it can result in the following: a) Pain in the wrist and hand. b) Numbness, tingling and burning sensation in the palm side of the index, middle and ring fingers. c) May lose the ability to feel heat and cold. d) The long time effect is the inability to grasp objects due to weakness. e) In advanced stage, there is a feeling that the hands are swollen even though there is no visible swelling.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly characterized by “pins and needles sensation”. The condition can be aggravated by strenuous wrist movements but it can also worsen if the person is resting at night. It is more common to appear in females, obese, older and overstressed individuals.

Treating carpal tunnel syndrome is costly and takes a long time. When it is given attention during its early onset , the prognosis is good. Permanent nerve damage may occur when it is left untreated for a long time.

Here are some tips for us to observe in order to avoid the possibility of contracting carpal tunnel syndrome: a) In anything you do always maintain good posture. b) Take frequent short breaks of what you are doing rather than one long break. c) Stretch your wrists before work, during breaks and after work. Stretching keeps the muscles relaxed and improved blood circulation to your neck, arms, wrist and palms.

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