by: affleap
Since April 30, ten days after the accident on the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion at the gulf of Mexico, they have recorded 156 sea turtles deaths which the number is far high than usual this time of the year.
Dealing With Various Themes And Issues
by: affleap
Since April 30, ten days after the accident on the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion at the gulf of Mexico, they have recorded 156 sea turtles deaths which the number is far high than usual this time of the year.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) issued a report called “Recycling from E-waste to Resource” in a meeting in Bali, indonesia on the Basel Convention urging developing economies to prevent dumping of e-waste from develop countries that threaten human health and the environment.
by: Affleap
Our basic knowledge has taught us that carbon dioxide is a discard from man, it is the air that plants breathe and vice versa as plants discard oxygen and it is the air that man breathe. It is a mutual complete cycle that man relationship to plants are symbiotic to each other.
by: Affleap
If we wish to live our life greener so also with our lifestyle. Climate change is a complicated subject to think of, but its solution will come down first to our self, our own awareness of what we can do to solve greenhouse effect gases.
I am Arnold Cafe, an internet marketer and advocate for the betterment of our environment. Nothing more noble this time, except to promote, patronize and support any green products at our midst that complement of reducing the effects of any environmental hazards, climate change and global warming.,