Cattle Wastes – Can Be An Excellent Source Of Alternative Energy

The common trend that has been going on is that companies build their large computing centers, referred as server farms in large urban areas or its outskirts.

As this trending has continued over the years, so with their demand of finding cheap electricity and land amenities to sprawl their business and meeting their growing needs have also become a difficulty.

With the rise of higher speed data transfer networks, technology business has moved farther from urban to rural areas without jeopardizing their front-running technological services of getting information as quickly as they need it.

Since then, more data centers have proliferated in states like Washington, Texas, Iowa and Oklahoma where obviously each has plenty of electricity and land to spare with.

In areas where dairy farms thrive, cattle manure or waste can be a good source of alternative energy to power up a vast data center of big companies.

It can be done when cattle waste can be converted into biogas in the form of methane. To make bio-gas, one needs to invest in specialized equipment that convert cattle wastes into methane.

To set up the system, it can cost about US $ 5 million dollars and another US $ 30 thousand dollars to run the biogas system facility annually.

The average cow makes enough waste per day to power a 100 watt light bulb. For 10,000 cows, it can provide enough energy to generate and provide power for a small computing center at a bank.

Creating biogas plants seemed to be a good source of alternative energy though, it has some challenges to face.

The only drawback seen so far is that, it can be less enticing for investors to venture if the price of natural gas which is readily available in the market tends to lower against the production cost of local dairy farm produced bio-gas.

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