Here’s What You Can Do In Times Of Recession

When a country’s economy is declining, recession usually follows. Anyone can easily notice in the decline of gross domestic product (GDP), increase of unemployment rate, decrease in trade which last up to six months to one year.

One predominant scenario is the running out of funds due to the high prices of commodity and the decrease of employment is inevitable.

So, if you’re running a household, how would you cope up the impact of recession that is not too much to bear with your family? Herewith, are some anti recession tips that you can make it as your reference during these difficult times:

1) Grow Your Own Vegetables And Herbs – Convenience and availability are the main reasons why you rely on supermarkets for your vegetables and herbs requirement. It has been your usual way of getting resources to prepare your food on the table.

It’s now high time to reduce expenses by considering growing your own vegetables and herbs instead. You can take advantage of your green thumb and considerably save some money and avoid of having to buy them in cash.

You can grow your vegetable and herbs in pots widely known as container gardening. Mint, sage, rosemary, basil and thyme are great herbs to grow in container gardening. You can opt also for low maintenance vegetables like garlic, onions, turnips, cabbage, leeks and kale.

Growing your own fruits can be advantageous if you have your own big backyard Although this might require longer time since fruit trees can take at least about two years to yield fruits. You can also do better in keeping a wide variety of your fruits and vegetables through trading with your neighbor’s grown fruit trees, vegetables and herbs.

2) Make Your Own Food – Learning how to cook and bake can be a wonderful experience and a good hobby to spend with. With this kind of skill, you can save money by not relying anymore in restaurants and bakeshop for your catering needs and pastries requirements.

It can also be a rewarding endeavor in relieving your stress because there’s a lot of fun in this hobby. If you think your skills are deficient, you can upgrade them online, the Internet offers thousands of simple recipes that is not that difficult to follow.

3) Improve your grocery shopping habits – Make the right shopping attitude, in order to reduce unnecessary expenses. You can do by creating a list of items that you think are items that are necessary in your household. Prior to unloading your cart, check again which items which you can do without. You will be surprised that there are just so many of the items that you picked up that you do not really need.

4) Cut back on non-essential items – There are items that you can live without and these are the non essential items . You do not have to stop but you can regulate yourself in purchasing them like drinking soda or eating meat. But if you will only compute how much you can save without consuming any of these as often as you used to do, you will see a lot of savings that can be derived by just depriving yourself once in a while.

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