Make Your Lifestyle Healthier Through Golf

Experts are unanimous in apprising that golf is good for your physical and mental health. For serious enthusiasts, it is a proven weight loss program that also provide an extensive cardiovascular work out even you do it during weekends.

Being a social game, a golfer find new friends and gets more opportunities in scaling new partnerships and some business dealings.

To encourage you to swing, herewith, are some tips that golf can do to benefit your health:

*** Playing golf regularly lowers player’s harmful cholesterol level.

*** A round of golf on the green burns about 300 calories in a 150 lbs. weight individual.

*** A bunch of golf swing at the driving range burns about 200 calories per hour.

*** Being considered as a weight loss regimen, it also strengthened muscles and bones.

*** It also helps player to gain more length and mileage in his drive.

*** Exposure to the sun also gives a golfer plenty of vitamin D.

*** It also helps a player sleep better even he’s not yet tired enough, after playing 3 to 4 hours in a regular course.


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