Cardiovascular Disease Is Reduced By Quitting Smoking

Did you know that inhaling cigarette smoke causes several immediate adverse responses within the heart and blood vessels?

The heart rates begin to rise within a minute of starting to smoke and the blood vessels become narrower.

Smoking not only causes coronary artery disease but also brain attack (stroke) an peripheral disease.

These factors when present in the vascular system can initiate abnormalities in the blood vessel wall which may lead to atherosclerosis or clogging of arteries.

Obstruction in the cardiovascular system leads to the narrowing of the coronary arteries, triggering chronic stable angina (usually chest pain), chronic unstable angina (pre-heart attack) or myocardial infraction (heart attack).

There has already been progress made to reduce the major risk factors of vascular diseases but in the contrary there’s no so much progress done to encourage people to stop smoking.

However, with the advent of some drugs that help smokers to quit smoking, reduction of the harmful effects of smoking through smoking cessation treatment is now possible.

The drug that is now being introduced in the market helps decrease withdrawal symptoms and craving associated with quitting and as well obliterate the pleasure derived from smoking.

Six clinical trials made involving thousands of chronic smokers had shown a good response to the drug. It has shown that drug treatment can now be an alternative choice in quitting the habit.

Through drug therapy one is receptive in demonstrating higher tendencies to quit smoking within ninety days as compared to other treatment.


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