Menopausal Women Need Healthy Diet

Menopause is the duration when a woman experiences erratic menstrual period due to skipped ovulation.

Symptoms of menopause include hot or cold flashes, night sweats, migraine, rapid heart beat, itching and drying of the reproductive organ, back pains, joint pains, depression, fatigue, irritability, memory loss, sleep disturbance and decrease libido.

Menopausal women are prone to osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and weight problems.

In order to reduce the risk of these diseases, menopausal women must have a combination of dietary changes, increased physical activity and weight loss.
Generally, the characteristics of the healthy diet for menopausal women are the same as those for all adults.

Regulate the amount of caloric intake to maintain desirable weight. Fat intake shall conform to recommendations by National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) that is about 20% of an individual calorie intake.

Calcium on the other hand, is important in preventing osteoporosis and it is also promotes cardiovascular health.

The US Food and Nutrition Board (1998) recommends calcium intake of 1000 milligrams per day for all adults, including post menopausal women.
Calcium rich foods include milk, calcium fortified juices, sea foods and green leafy vegetables.

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