Mental Retardation, What It’s All About?

Mental retardation is mainly characterized as an underdeveloped mental faculties of an individual resulting to impairment of skills in communication and self care.

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Planting Of Forest Trees In Urban Areas, To Mitigate Air Pollution Urged

by: Affleap

Environmentalists say that existing trees in cities cannot ease the air pollution emitted by vehicles, factories and other industrial establishments.

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Is World Population Growth Outpacing Its Food Production?

Record harvests are unable to keep up with population growth, along with land scarcity, water scarcity are now emerging as serious constraints on effort to expand world food production especially in developing economies.

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Business ‘Start-up’ Approach, Ideal To Low Budget Entrepreneurs

There is one way of doing business nowadays with less time and money exposure, that is build a business start up by trying to build new ideas and finding paying customers.

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Water Plants As Bio-filters To Polluting Heavy Metals And Radioactive Materials

There is an innovative way of eradicating heavy metals pollutants in the environment as developed by Israeli scientists.

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On DNA Samples – The Right To Information Is What Donors Wanted

There’s a gap between scientist and donors who happen to be the Havasupai Indians in the Grand Canyon over the handling of their DNA samples taken from them some years back where permission was obtained other than finding a solution for type 2 diabetes which the Indians are in high rates.

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Environmentalist Urged Proper Disposal Of Mercury Containing Batteries

by: Affleap

The Ecological Waste Coalition (EcoWaste) issued a statement addressing the danger of toxic contamination of our environment due to the improper disposal of mercury containing batteries. These spent batteries are commonly treated as if they are ordinary regular wastes.

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