When it comes to choices, as consumer, it is everyone’s basic right to choose, however, you can be equally responsible in keeping yourself informed of how really good and reasonable you are about your choices.
Social Issues
Rage Management
There must always be a reason to be angry about. A kind of anger that is reasonable and even expected.
Street Children – A Social Problem That Needs To Be Eradicated
The exact number of street children is impossible to quantify but the bulk of them, predominantly can be found in developing economies where poverty thrives.
Neonatal Sepsis – A Threat To Newly Born Infants
Newborns are susceptible to infection because of their underdeveloped immune system. For that very reason, standards in hospital infection control should be strictly enforced starting at birth.
Security Gadgets Cited Against Lawlessness
After 9/11 law enforcers and security officers are turning to wireless surveillance cameras and communication system to secure and protect transport terminals, airports, seaports, subway trains, property, government offices, business establishments and even schools in many parts of the world in the fight against terrorism and lawlessness.
More TV Viewing Than Reading Noted Among Children
It has been reported that among children of school age, 50 percent read 4 minutes a day or less; 30 percent read 2 minutes a day or less and 10 percent read nothing.
Errors In Eyesight Hamper Learning Of Children
An eyeopener to parents that good vision is vital to learning process of school age children.
Genetic Invincibility – Is It For Real Or Myth?
There are stories that feed the fantasy of genetic invincibility that rehashes family fables for everyone to hear saying, “After all, we are a family of good stock and illness has never been a concern to us, so we can live and eat as we please”.
Adolescents Can Easily Be Addicted To Tobacco
Adolescents after their first cigarette very soon can experienced a loss of autonomy over tobacco according to a family health and community medicine specialist at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester.
Kleptomania – What It Is All About?
Kleptomania is an obsessive – compulsive disorder or also known as “compulsive theft behavioral disorder”. It is a manifestation of a larger psychiatric entity.