According to a study, breastfeeding may offer broad protection against breast cancer that extends to women who delay having children.
Neonatal Sepsis – A Threat To Newly Born Infants
Newborns are susceptible to infection because of their underdeveloped immune system. For that very reason, standards in hospital infection control should be strictly enforced starting at birth.
Preventing Seafood-borne Diseases
Seafoods are actually and remarkably safe to eat. It accounts for no more than ten percent of all the reported food-borne diseases.
Minute Traces Of Melamine In Most Foods Are Not Harmful – FDA
Since melamine has set off a global food safety scare, the consuming public has raised the health concerns of most foods tainted with the chemical.
How Attachment Parenting Bring Out The Best In Babies
Parents who decided to adapt a more natural way of rearing their children called attachment parenting (AP), a term coined by a famous pediatrician and father of eight.
Green Charcoal – An Eco Friendly Invention
Green charcoal is a good alternative to expensive liquefied petroleum gas. The technology is slowly but surely invading the homes and it’s energy efficient, cheap and eco friendly.
Coping Up With Dry Eye Syndrome
Do you often feel a burning, itching sensation in your eyes after using the computer for a long time? Have you noticed your eyes getting tired for no apparent reason?
More Agricultural Investments Needed to Alleviate Hunger
The International Research Institute (IRRI) called for sustained global reinvestment in agriculture to cut soaring food prices that it said have made seventy five million more people hungry.
Security Gadgets Cited Against Lawlessness
After 9/11 law enforcers and security officers are turning to wireless surveillance cameras and communication system to secure and protect transport terminals, airports, seaports, subway trains, property, government offices, business establishments and even schools in many parts of the world in the fight against terrorism and lawlessness.
Is Bitter Melon Effective In The Treatment Of Diabetes?
Bitter Melon (Momordicin Charantia) or ampalaya, paliya, amargoso as they are known in Philippine local dialects can neither cure nor prevent diabetes, but it can help control the disease.