Unpleasant though the cockroaches are, biologists say they are essential of the earth’s critical ecosystem.
Planting Of Trees Improve Soil Nutrients, Increase Food Production
The nitrogen-fixing roots of certain trees provide valuable nutrients to resource poor tillable land.
Nitrogen Injected Into Fukushima Reactor To Reduce Explosion Risk
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) on Thursday started injecting nitrogen into one of the reactors at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex, Kyodo News reported.
Pacific Salmon Helps Shape Up Canada’s Ecosystems
During the autumn, many of western Canada’s rivers are ‘alive with salmon’ as the fish return to spawn through annual migration.
Precise Measurement Of Pluto Shall Be Known By 2015
The discovery of Eris and the presumption that it was bigger than Pluto, pushed the Astronomical Union to come up with a new definition of ‘planet’ that has excluded Pluto.
Rice Straw Is A Good Source Of Organic Macronutrients
The increased cost of energy dependent fertilizer and the need to conserve plant nutrients by recycling them have focused attention to organic material sources of fertilizers. One of the cheapest and most available organic substances is rice straw.
The Benefits That Farmers Can Derive From Azolla
Azolla is a small aquatic fern (usually 1-5 cm large) which grows on saturated or moist soil.