Controlling Hypertension – The Silent Killer

Studies have shown that hypertension or high blood pressure, if it is not detected and treated immediately, it is highly life threatening and complications can be developed over a period of time such as hardening of arteries known as (atherosclerosis) or bulging of the artery (aneurysm) in the brain that can lead to stroke.

Hypertension is the condition when systolic pressure(the upper number) exceeds 140 and diastolic pressure(lower number) exceeds 90, so if you have a reading of 140/90, it means that you are just within the borderline. The ideal normal adult blood pressure is about 120/80 mm Hg.

Systolic measurement is the pressure of blood against the artery walls when the heart has just finished pumping while the diastolic measurement is the pressure of blood against the artery walls between heartbeats. Hypertension knows no age barrier, it can afflict to anyone whether you’re old or young.

Common causes of hypertension to name a few, are as follows: a) Hereditary – If you come from a family of hypertensives, chances of inheriting this disease is predominantly high. b) Stress – This can be caused in a work or business environment where pressure related activities is prevalent. c) Unregulated lifestyle – Without any diet control, unregulated alcohol intake, with no exercise regimen in place, this can eventually contribute to high blood pressure.

Untreated hypertension may damage the heart, the blood vessels, kidneys and eyes. As blood pressure increases it can cause a fatal heart attack or stroke. Hypertension can be effectively prevented by monitoring your blood pressure at least twice a year for any early detection, it’s a reliable, cheap and painless tasks. High blood pressure initially has no symptoms.

Chest pains, headaches, nosebleeds or dizziness are not reliable indicators that you have high blood pressure. Lifestyle changes can often control high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease or stroke.

By doing regular exercises, weight control, reducing salt, fats and cholesterol in your diet help to lower blood pressure. Blood pressure tests should be performed annually starting at age 21, due to its accessibility, checks every so often is encouraged especially for those with a family history of hypertension.

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