One of the main factors that affect children school performance is nutrition. Studies show that a child’s diet can influence how well he or she does in school.
Is Your Anatomy Interrelated To Your Destiny?
When it comes to a question of what causes crime, the natural determination that would come up is that it is either cause by poverty, greed, jealousy, anger, revenge and pride.
Carmakers Focus On Hybrid Fuel Technology
With the increase of petrol fuel prices combined with the worsening impact of carbon emissions to the environment will put no doubt the automotive industry in the hot seat policy debates of how to explore innovations that can cope up with the inter-wined dilemma of the world today, increasing oil prices and global warming.
How To Effectively Store Food In Your Refrigerator?
The key to keeping your food fresh is to classify and regroup the items that the smell of one food does not spread to others.
Is Whaling A Fading Industry In Japan?
It was an unthinkable scenario that Ayukahama a small harbor on Japan’s northern coast where whale poachers have come from, seem to be an unlikely place to find opposition of Japan’s Antarctic whaling.
Do Memory Lapses Beginning Of Alzheimer’s?
Almost half of people aged 50 or older experience periodic forgetfulness, known as Age Associated Memory Impairment (AAMI). Though sometimes bothering, the situation is still within the normal conditions of that age group.
UNEP Urges Proper Electronic Waste Disposal
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) issued a report called “Recycling from E-waste to Resource” in a meeting in Bali, indonesia on the Basel Convention urging developing economies to prevent dumping of e-waste from develop countries that threaten human health and the environment.
What Instigated The Political Turmoil In Thailand?
The clashes between the anti government protesters ‘red shirts’ and government forces started last March 18 and it has been going on for more than 2 months, until last Wednesday May 19, the long political stand off has ended when the protesters surrendered to the authorities.
Make Your Lifestyle Healthier Through Golf
Experts are unanimous in apprising that golf is good for your physical and mental health. For serious enthusiasts, it is a proven weight loss program that also provide an extensive cardiovascular work out even you do it during weekends.
Is Skipping Breakfast A Healthy Practice?
Contrary to what some people think that by skipping breakfast you can lose weight. Eating breakfast increases one’s metabolism because the body is burning up the food.