Japan’s gross domestic product grew by 1.5 percent in the three months to the end of September, as the economy rebounded in the third quarter.
14.3 Percent Of Americans Live In Poverty
The 2009 poverty level was set at US $21,954 for a family of four, based on an official government calculation that includes only cash income, before tax deductions.
Germany Overcomes Financial Crisis, Instilling Own Vision Of Economic Growth
Germany best performance since reunification 20 years ago which is equivalent to nearly 9 percent annual economic growth rate or a quarter on quarter economic growth of 2.2 percent as it was announced by the government.
With Relentless Campaign Against Counterfeiting, It Can Be Stopped
Counterfeiting industry has cost American business an estimated US $200 billion dollars a year.
Here’s What You Can Do In Times Of Recession
When a country’s economy is declining, recession usually follows. Anyone can easily notice in the decline of gross domestic product (GDP), increase of unemployment rate, decrease in trade which last up to six months to one year.
Prevailing Economic Crunch, Americans Spending Less
A monthly survey by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) showed that comparable US chain stores sales slumped 0.50% in March compared with the same month a year ago.