Survey Discovers How Complex And Enormous Marine Life Underneath The Sea

A survey has been set out to find the unexplored depth of the ocean, of what it is in store for there now and in the future.

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US Scientists Found A Habitable Planet Near Earth?

US astronomers said that they have spotted a habitable planet which they called as the Goldilocks zone for life. The climatic temperature is just right, not too hot and not too cold, the planet size is neither too big nor too small for habitation.

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Researchers Made Comparison On Human Milk With Other Mammal Species

Understanding the ways milk differ may lead the scientists to better formulas to nourish human babies whose mothers can’t breastfeed, according to Agricultural Research Magazine.

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Breast Milk Helps Protect Babies’ Immune System

The infant is born into a world full of hostile microbes with a not trained immune system and lacking the caustic stomach acid that in adults kill most bacteria.

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Does The Use Of Digital Gadget, Forfeit The Downtime For Learning?

In recent years cellphone has evolved to become a portable pocket size personal computer which the digital gadget can readily be tapped to high speed internet connection. The technology makes us potentially productive and engages oneself into online undertaking.

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Soothing Jasmine, Helping You To Get Restful Sleep

The essence from Jasmine (Gardenia Jasminoides) has been proven to contain the same molecular mechanism of action and is as strong as the commonly prescribed barbiturates or propofol. They soothe, relieve anxiety and promote sleep, a team of German researchers has found out in their study.

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Are Men Smarter Than Women In The Field Of Math And Science?

There are so much discussion regarding a controversial hypothesis about differences in the sexes’ aptitude for math and science.

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On DNA Samples – The Right To Information Is What Donors Wanted

There’s a gap between scientist and donors who happen to be the Havasupai Indians in the Grand Canyon over the handling of their DNA samples taken from them some years back where permission was obtained other than finding a solution for type 2 diabetes which the Indians are in high rates.

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