Contrary to the belief of most people, eating snacks does not always result in gaining weight.
The Philippines Has To Learn From India In Empowering The Poor
The Philippines, a bastion of democracy like India, the former has a lot to learn from the latter of their experience in empowering the poor.
Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie, Are They At Last Getting Married?
Having together for sometime, marriage seemed not happening to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
The Benefits Of Mangosteen, The Veritable Health Fruit
Mangosteen is a delicious tropical fruit considered to be a veritable health fruit. It has been known to be rich in micronutrients.
Depleting Fish Supply Has Become An Environmental Concern
Fishing, once a matter of casting a net into the sea or hooking with rod and line is under increasing pressure as the world struggles to feed its hungry mouths.
Coping Up With Brittle Nails
Many doctors believe that brittle nails is caused by nail dehydration. But a research made at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine had analyzed between weak and strong finger nails, they have found out that the water content for both are the same.
Octopus ‘Oracle’ Paul Made Its Mark As Soothsayer In Soccer World Cup
An octopus ‘oracle’ named Paul, a resident of the Oberhausen Sea Life Aquarium, usually have him made only for football prediction soccer games in which Germany plays.
Liver Cirrhosis, What It Is All About?
Cirrhosis refers to severe scarring of the liver that develops when the liver is subjected to chronic, repeated or sustained injury.
Coral Reef Protection Guidebook Launched
The coral triangle region is known as the center of marine biodiversity. The six countries encompassing the region are Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor Leste.
To Sustain Economic Growth, China Is Outsourcing Domestically
Chinese workers had been China’s backbone in their growing economy and trade growth.They are the engine of China economic growth and roaring export economy.