If you are above 50 years old, do you have back pain that was worsened by walking? Is the back pain eased by crouching or rolling into a fetal position? You may have lumbar or lower back spinal stenosis.
Organic Farming Can Ease Climate Change
New Studies from the US and Europe confirmed that organic farming can help mitigate global warming.
Farm Subsidies – A Critical Issue In Global Trade Talks
In global trade talks, farm subsidies in the developed world remains a thorny issue having derailed the finalization of global trade rules under the World Trade Organization (WTO) since the Seattle debacle a few years back, may again stall this time with the same subject.
Alzheimer’s – Old People Are The Peculiar Victims
Senile dementia, eventually show signs of progressive confusion, memory loss and mental deterioration.
Is Paul Of Tarsus Alleged Conversion A Hoax?
Paul’s claim that he is an apostle of Jesus Christ was riddled with controversy and was staunchly opposed by the early believers of Jesus’ ministry as an enemy of the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lemon Grass Yields Essential Oil
Lemon grass or “Tanglad” as it is locally called in the Philippines, a backyard plant, is going mainstream as its oil is now being extracted for industrial use.
Backpain Treatment Through Acupuncture
In a study of 1,162 adults with chronic lower back pain, forty eight percent in a group who underwent between 10 and 15 treatments with traditional Chinese “verum” acupuncture reported at least 1/3 less pain and an improvement in functional ability, with lasting benefit as compared to twenty seven percent of those reporting relief in the group undergoing drug and exercise therapy.
Saving The Philippine Eagle From Extinction
The Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) is a non profit organization dedicated to saving the endangered Philippine Eagle, and is composed of plucky volunteers like retired Lt. Gen. Hotchkiss the foundation president who is solely responsible in preserving, breeding and caring for the birds.
Prosthetic Make-up Artist – A Lucrative Vocation
Do you have a talent for sculpting and a rich wild imagination to vouch for? Be a prosthetic make-up artist, it’s one of the exciting, high paying job, flexible working time and be your own boss job opportunity with a little investment to spare.
PCC Seeks To Improve Domestic Dairy Production Output
To reduce the Philippines annual import of dairy products from Australia, New Zealand and the United States. The Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) is seeking to produce sufficient genetically superior carabaos (water buffaloes) to improve the country’s dairy production output.