Under stress women are more likely to have baby girls than boys, experts say.
Prospective parents hoping to have a son and heir should just relax and worried women are less likely to give birth to baby boys as research suggests.
Is Stuttering Caused By Bad Parenting?
Stuttering, which affects 5 percent of children, usually begins between ages 2 and 6. About 50 percent of stutterers have family members who have stuttered.
Breastfed Babies Has Less Behavioral Problems – Study
Children who are breastfed by mothers develop fewer behavioral problems, according to Oxford researchers.
Breast Milk Helps Protect Babies’ Immune System
The infant is born into a world full of hostile microbes with a not trained immune system and lacking the caustic stomach acid that in adults kill most bacteria.
Does Your Child Being Bullied In School?
When I was a child, I have experienced being bullied in school but despite my young age at that time I have learned to fight back that mostly end up in a sporty fistfight with the bullier outside our school premises.
Understanding Teenage Self Esteem
Teenage self esteem can be a complex issue in itself, considering that teenagers lack the necessary life skills and experiences required to deal with the world’s harsh realities that surrounds them.
How To Build Your Child’s Self Confidence
Parents play an important role in instilling confidence towards their children. Parents should give them the guidance and assurance, which given more often will give children a healthy projection of themselves.
Identifying A Gifted Child
How should parents know if their child is gifted? Well, experts say that parents have to observe their child’s abilities and behavior and compare them accordingly to the children of his age.
How Attachment Parenting Bring Out The Best In Babies
Parents who decided to adapt a more natural way of rearing their children called attachment parenting (AP), a term coined by a famous pediatrician and father of eight.
Boosting Your Child’s Self Confidence
Mothers contribute an important role in cultivating their children self confidence. Their children usually look up to them for guidance and assurance, which, when given more frequently, can put mothers on the right track in giving their children a healthy view of themselves.