Abuse Victims Sue The Pope Before The ICC For Crimes Against Humanity

Sexual Abusive priests who have been a perennial problem since time immemorial preying on male and female young victims alike have tarnished the image of the Catholic church to be the bastion of moral ascendancy.

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Why The Philippine Catholic Bishops Are Against The RH Bill ?

The Reproductive Health Bill (HB-5043) is the bill sponsored by Representative Edcel Lagman of Albay, whose objective is to generally protect Filipino women especially the poor by giving them access to the right information on their health and pregnancy issues.

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Is The Catholic Church Influence Also Waning In Poland?

The overwhelming majority of Poles are Catholics. As a people, they are conservative when you compared them to their European neighbors.

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The Catholic Church Should Stop Interfering With Philippine State Affairs

There are valid reasons as to why the Philippine government of P-Noy and Philippine congress as well have to implement of what is good for the country because they are mandated to do so under the Philippine constitution.

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Galileo’s Conviction As Heretic Reversed By The Catholic Church

It has never been easy for Galileo the great thinker of his time at being convicted By the Roman Catholic Church in 1633 of hearsay for trouncing the biblical view of the universe. The Galileo case is seen as science’s first blow against the faith and power of the church.

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