Our liver is one vital part of our body that has a lot of functions and two major features which are: reserve and regeneration.
Job Mismatch Causes High Unemployment Rate
Data from the Philippines’ Department of Education (DepEd) and Commission on Higher Education (CheEd) showed that there are three million students who are graduating this year, some 500,000 are college graduates and barely half of the total graduates get jobs immediately after graduation.
Tea As An Antioxidant, Prevents Cell Damage Relating To Aging, Cancer & Heart Disease
A study by researchers for people who smoke, consume alcohol, confirmed that those who drink five cups of green tea daily reduced their risk of developing cancer by 20 percent in men and 50 percent in women.
Tiger Woods Return To Golf Highly Expected By Sponsors
The sponsors of Tiger Woods, who stood by him and the marketers who stand to get big exposures from the big masters audience have waited the return of Tiger Woods in the golf competition matches.
Woods dropped out from competition last fall after revelation of his infidelities that made the headlines which left his image tarnished because of the incident.
Japan Rejoices As Bluefin Tuna Trade Ban Defeated
The Japanese government, sushi lovers and seafood traders at Tokyo’s massive Tsukiji fish market last Friday (March 19, 2010) cheered the defeat of a proposed ban on trade in Atlantic bluefin tuna, after a UN Wildlife meeting in Qatar voted down a proposal to ban the international trade of bluefin tuna caught in the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic.
Can We Stop Climate Change?
Environmentalists had always call for a dramatic and drastic measures to mitigate impending scenarios of danger that our planet is currently experiencing due to the effects of global warming.
Street Children – A Social Problem That Needs To Be Eradicated
The exact number of street children is impossible to quantify but the bulk of them, predominantly can be found in developing economies where poverty thrives.
True Happiness Is Measured Of How Close You Are To God
They say that it is easy to be happy when one has so many things to be happy about. But if someone is suffering with an incurable or a rare disease at that, would you even find someone a reason to smile and be happy?
Identifying A Gifted Child
How should parents know if their child is gifted? Well, experts say that parents have to observe their child’s abilities and behavior and compare them accordingly to the children of his age.
Environmental Issues Goes Political
Now that the national election in the Philippines is brewing which is to be held in May of this year, an advocacy group which called themselves as Eco Waste Coalition has a plea to the more than 50 million Filipino voters before they make their final choices for the candidates running for public office.