Barley grain is as ancient as the human civilization but sadly overlooked as far as the health benefits we can derived.
Is Pocahontas A Myth?
Pocahontas is difficult to separate from the myth perpetrated everywhere from a painting in the halls of US Congress, a statue in Jamestown, Virginia to a Disney feature film.
What You should Know About Antibiotics
Antibiotics have been used to fight bacterial infections for over seventy years. Almost everyone has come into contact with antibiotics whether in tablet, syrup or ointment form.
Older Children More At Risk Of Drowning Than Toddlers
Older children between five and twelve are most at risk of drowning, not toddlers as commonly thought, a Singapore study said.
More TV Viewing Than Reading Noted Among Children
It has been reported that among children of school age, 50 percent read 4 minutes a day or less; 30 percent read 2 minutes a day or less and 10 percent read nothing.
Counterfeit Consumer Goods Pose Health And Safety Hazards
Counterfeiting of consumer goods has gone beyond the leading brands of bags or sneakers and now includes batteries, light bulbs and extension cords.
Marine Turtle Conservation, Fight Against Poaching Is Being Addressed
An accord with twenty seven countries in a collaborative effort against poaching of endangered marine turtles which has to be stop due to its dwindling population, sea resources destruction and illegal fishing operations.
Errors In Eyesight Hamper Learning Of Children
An eyeopener to parents that good vision is vital to learning process of school age children.
Condom Lubricant Popular Acne Cure In Cambodia
A condom lubricant designed for sex workers and gay men has become popular acne cure among female Cambodians, women in the capital and local media have reported.
Vegetarian Has Longer Life Expectancy Than Non Vegetarian – Study
Study suggests that people whose nutritional regimen consists only of foods derived from plants, have a longer life expectancy and enjoy a better quality of life than people who eat both animal and plant products (omnivores).