Organic grown tomatoes had been found to be rich with chemical compounds known as polyphenols that could help stop the spread of certain cancers, protect against heart disease due to their anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties and protect as well against chronic conditions such as arthritis, according to a study.
Hepatitis Outbreak is Linked To Sun Dried Tomatoes As The Culprit
An investigation by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) of cases of hepatitis A from July to December last year revealed the total of seven cases in which sun dried tomatoes were implicated.
Lycopene Nutrients Found In Cooked Tomatoes Deter Growth Of Cancer Cells
Lycopene is present in all red fruits and vegetables, but its concentrations are highest in tomatoes.
Tomato Is Beneficial To Your Cardiovascular Health
With the alarming rate among adults having high blood pressure, one can sincerely calls for an advocacy for healthy eating habits and lifestyle practices to avoid cardiovascular diseases.
How To Produce Tomatoes All The Year Round
In tropical countries tomatoes do not grow well during the rainy season. They are often affected by insects and diseases that thrive during the rainy months.