Ultraviolet (UV) light is known to inactivate some viruses, and Dr. Phil Rice, virologist at St George’s, University of London believes his findings show UV rays could inactivate the varicella zoster virus, responsible for chickenpox and shingles on the skin before it transmits to another person.
Science Technology
Scientists Develop A Vaccine That Trains Immune System To Identify & Kill Cancer Cells
Scientists in the United States have developed a vaccine that attacks tumors, a breakthrough they hope will help fight breast, colon, ovarian and pancreatic cancer.
Gene Therapy Is Potentially Life Changing To People With Hemophilia
People with hemophilia B have a faulty gene which means they cannot produce a protein called ‘factor IX’ to clot the blood.
New Approach In Treating Baldness Is Being Harnessed By Scientists
Scientists are harnessing a new approach in treating baldness after taking inspiration and studying the way animals both grow and shed their winter coats.
Why People’s Sleep Needs Can Differ Significantly?
Researchers who studied more than ten thousand people across Europe, found those with the gene ‘ABCC9’ need around thirty minutes more sleep per night than those without the gene.
Blood Testing Can Detect Parkinson’s Disease Prior To Physical Symptoms Develop – Study
A groundbreaking study has detected a substance which appears in the blood of Parkinson’s sufferers.
EMR From WiFi Connections Can Immobilize Sperm Activity By Twenty five Percent
In the latest study, researchers took sperm from 29 men aged 26 to 45 and placed them either under a wi-fi connected laptop or away from the computer.
Deep Brain Stimulation Reverses Brain Shrinkage In Alzheimer’s
Brain shrinkage, that causes a declining function and memory loss had been thought to be irreversible.
Stable Handed Robot Is Utilized To Perform Delicate Brain Surgeries
The European Commission promoted the European Union (EU)funded ROBOCAST project as a breakthrough in robotic neurosurgery that could in future help treat tumors, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and Tourette syndrome.
Man-made Flu Virus In A Laboratory Poses Potential Danger To Mankind
The research has caused a storm of controversy and divided scientists, with some saying it should never have been carried out.