Vitamin D is essential for the immune system, strong healthy bones and teeth, and the absorption of calcium.
Health Issues
Research Indicates Increased Risk Of Heart Attack For People Who Take Calcium Supplements
Calcium is often taken by older people to strengthen bones and prevent fractures.
But the study, published in the journal Heart, said the supplements ‘should be taken with caution’.
Raising ‘Good Cholesterol’ Does Not Guarantee Lowering The Danger Of A Heart Attack
Conventional wisdom dictates that lowering ‘bad cholesterol’, known as Low-Density Lipoprotein or LDL is good for the heart.
Prostate Cancer’s Surgical Treatment Does Not Extend Life To Cancer Sufferers
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men in the United States, with 186,000 new cases in 2008 and 28,600 deaths.
Drinking Red Wine Could Reduce The Chance Of Getting Fat – Study
Scientists have revealed a compound found in red wine that could actually reduce the chance of getting fat, according to a new scientific study.
Indiscriminate Usage Of Dental X-Ray Is Linked To Cause Brain Tumor
In the study of about 3,000 adults, almost 50 percent were diagnosed with meningioma, a common type of brain tumor attributed to frequent doses of dental x-ray radiation.
Workers Exposed To Asbestos Are At Risk Of Heart Attack, Stroke & Serious Lung Diseases
Asbestos workers are at risk of heart attack, stroke and serious lung diseases, such as mesothelioma and asbestosis, as a direct result of their exposure to asbestos fibers.
Incidence Of Skin Cancer Melanoma Increases Among Young Adults In The U.S.
Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer and it is rising rapidly among young adults in the US.
Fast Food Has A Negative Effect On Mental Health, Regular Consumers Likely To Develop Depression – Study
People who often ate hamburgers, hotdogs and pizza are fifty one per cent more likely to develop depression than those who rarely or never ate them, according to a study.
Patients Take The Risk Using Contaminated Organ For Transplant Rather Than Die Waiting For Much Needed Donor Organ
Viaspan is a sterile, cold solution used to preserve donor organ for transplant.