The Institute of Medicine (IOM) panel couldn’t even find a good estimate of how many people identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
Charlie Sheen Fired By His Producers
Warner brothers has sacked Charlie Sheen’s from the hit TV series on ‘Two and a Half Men’ due to the acknowledged use of illegal drugs according to a letter from Warner brothers’ lawyers which said Sheen appeared very ill.
Russia Is Now Confronting With Growing Cases of HIV
Russia now has a burgeoning growth of HIV victims where more than half million are officially registered cases. The United Nations HIV/AIDS (Unaids) program and others, have estimated the number to be closer to one million.
Back Pain Cannot Be Ignored, It Affects Your Health And Productivity
Back pain is so common but it is the most neglected. For young people back pain becomes a grin and bear it affair while older people it is explain away, as a sign of aging.
Natural Medicine, The Ancient Traditional Practice Of Treating Ailments
In this modern times, when you get sick, you go to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment, he prescribes you medicines. You buy these medicines and take them, hoping that you get well.
Coping Up With Red Tide Poisoning
Algae, like dinoflagellates, comprise a big group of marine plants and plant like organisms that serve as food for many forms of aquatic life. Hence, dinoflagellates are natural food for fishes and shellfishes.
The Various Benefits Of Adlai As A Staple Crop
Adlai known also as Job’s tears with a scientific name of Coix lacryma-jobi L. is a freely branching upright plant that grows to three feet tall and is being propagated through seeds.
Do Inserting Needles In Acupuncture Effected By Placebo Rather Than The Cure?
In a study published in August in the journal Arthritis Care and Research found that among 455 patients with painful knee arthritis, they underwent an acupuncture treatment in which thin needles are inserted into the skin at specific points on the body.
Can TXA Save Tens Of Thousands Of Lives Worldwide?
A cheap drug known as TXA or also known as Tranexamic Acid that is commonly used in developed countries during elective surgeries to stop bleeding but is not prescribed for accident victims could potentially save the lives of tens of thousands in injured accident patients worldwide a study says.
In Emergency Cases – Time Is Of The Essence
What really is an emergency? Well, it is a situation that one needs an immediate medical attention and treatment. They are often life threatening that one cannot afford to delay because time and immediate action is primarily important.