There are three major components in the 40 gram Fiber diet, a weight loss program: Four slices of whole wheat bread, 24 pieces of grapes and 120 gm of corn.
Weight Loss
Doing A Weight Loss Exercise Is Sheer Determination
A lot of us live in a lifestyle that limits our movement, too often we put ourselves in a sedentary mode, it maybe because of the nature of our work or maybe we don’t have the will to change it or too lazy in detailing a schedule on how to do a weight loss.
Are Women More Tolerant Of Tubby Husbands Than Men Of Tubby Wives?
Experts have interviewed more than 12,000 men and women aged 18 to 69 in France regarding their sexual exploits and accordingly analyze the results based on their body mass index (BMI).
Is Child Obesity Prevention Can Cope Up With The Challenge?
There’s an ample evidence that suggest that early prevention efforts has to start at the very early age in life, from the mother’s womb up to its toddler years, as far as child obesity is concerned.
Use Of Laxatives In Losing Weight Not Advisable To Dieters
There are weight loss supplements available in the market today that take in the form of slimming or dieter’s tea and seemed to be effective and yet what is not seen is its effect when taken in the long term.
Childhood Obesity and The Role of Media
The increasing number of obese children worldwide suffering from diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and fatty liver diseases at an early age is quite alarming.
Cancer Has Been Linked To Obesity
European researchers had reported in their study published recently that being overweight or obese may increase a person’s risk of developing up to a dozen different types of cancer.
Obesity – A Global Concern
About three hundred twenty million people are obese and the number is not decreasing considering the sedentary lifestyle of many individuals and the proliferation of unhealthy foods as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Fighting Obesity – Why Dieting Sometimes Doesn’t Work?
Losing weight is an enormous problem. It’s a gargantuan task to overcome. Obesity goes perennial and you see obese people in every walks of life.