The outlandish subversion and corruption of the pure Unitarian gospel of Jesus by Paul of Tarsus to trinitarian has opened the door to more anti-Christ doctrines which were not based on convictions but rather on Pauline church policy and apparent necessity to protect the church vested interests of their established religion which was originally and mainly intended for the Gentiles.
Coconut Coir Dust Can Be Made Into Particle Board
A study made by the Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) of the Philippines shows that coconut coir dust with forty percent solution of nitric acid and hot pressing for fifteen minutes at one hundred fifty degrees Centigrade could be used in producing binder less particle board.
How To Keep Up Mentally Fit
A form of meditation like yoga, a massage or taking some deep breaths say for 15 to 30 minutes before work, you may not believe it but experts say that rituals such as this are key to overall health, just as important as physical workout and eating fruits and vegetables.
Excessive Veterinary Drugs In Animal Feeds Can Be Hazardous To Consumers
Swine are among the farm animals that are usually given excessive veterinary drugs by raisers who don’t know any better.
Heart Attack & Strokes As Devastating To Women As They Are To Men
The World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations recently reported that fewer people worldwide now die of infectious diseases and more of chronic conditions such as heart disease and stroke.
Seaweed Farming – An Excellent Source Of Livelihhood
Seaweed is being cultivated for its carrageenan content. Carrageenan is useful to processing and manufacturing industries as fat substitute, extender, stabilizer, binder, emulsifier, etc.
Is Executive Check-up Packages Really Worth Spending?
Most hospitals offer several executive check-up packages from which a patient can choose. Most packages necessitate at least an overnight hospital stay.
Fungal Infection – Its Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention
“Scrotal warming” can cause “jock itch” or a ringworm infection from tinea cruris. The ideal place for fungi to grow in the body would be an enclosed space that stays wet from sweat.
How To Cope Up With Boredom
It is said that boredom is more stressful than overwork. The reason probably is that time not well spent can be stressful indeed, if it lacks the challenge or appreciation you are aspiring can lead to non productivity owing to lack of focus.
Pure Fruit Juice Not Likely To Make Kids Obese
Pure fruit juice provide provides essential nutrients and in moderation may actually help children maintain a healthy weight.