Osteoporosis is a bone disorder that weakens the bones by reducing their density.
Research Indicates Increased Risk Of Heart Attack For People Who Take Calcium Supplements
Calcium is often taken by older people to strengthen bones and prevent fractures.
But the study, published in the journal Heart, said the supplements ‘should be taken with caution’.
Taking Vitamin E Supplements Lower Bone Mass, Fracture Risk Is Enhanced – Study
Vitamin E, which occurs naturally in cereals, nuts, olive oil and egg yolks, is credited with helping hold back the hands of time by ‘fighting aging from within’.
Dairy Market Products Is Now Tailored To Meet Demanding Consumers’ Need
Overall, the future of the dairy market looks bright, demand is increasing and production is rising in several regions.
Menopausal Women Need Healthy Diet
Menopause is the duration when a woman experiences erratic menstrual period due to skipped ovulation.
The Benefits One Can Get From Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil is so rich in vitamins and minerals that it is considered as a superfood. It contains a considerable amount of vitamins A, D and the cardiovascular friendly omega-3 fatty acids which is good for the heart.
Calcium For Children : How Much Do They Need?
Children have a very active life, from the moment they start to crawl until the time they reach adolescence. They engage in rigorous physical activities such as running, jumping, climbing, etc.