Depression sufferers are characterized by high levels of rumination and negative thinking, researchers at first were skeptical a solitary walk in rural setting would provide any benefit.
Memory Difficulties For Menopausal Women Is More On Lessen Ability To Keep & Focus Attention On A Challenging Task
Women approaching menopause hot flashes are of common symptoms and no one should brush it off that memory problems also occur.
Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid Promote Mental Well-being For The Elderly – Study
Older adults between 60 and 70 years old who took vitamin B12 and folic acid regularly for two years showed improvement for both short and long term memory and boosted their scores on the memory tasks.
Mental Ability Starts To Falter In Middle Age
Mental ability can start to falter from age of 45 and onwards, not from age of 60 as previously thought, according to research published by the British Medical Journal (BMJ).
Oily Fish Diet Prevents Onset Of Dementia
Scientists are now highlighting the importance of a fish oil rich diet for maintaining optimal brain health and preventing the onset of dementia.
Reversing Sense Of Smell Loss Caused By Aging Or Disease Raises A Breath Of Hope
Human sense of smell is closely related to memory.
Work Retirement May Enhances Signs Of Memory Decline?
Japan and Korea have begun conducting a survey on memory. China, India and several countries in Latin America are also planning their own respective surveys.
Enhancing Your Memory
A memory clinic expert has claimed that “not all memory loss leads to Alzheimer’s but generally, people who tends to think and worry about getting Alzheimer’s do not have the illness”.
The Benefits You Get From Good Sleep
Recent studies had shown the importance of a good sleep to one’s overall health and well being.
When you don’t get sufficient sleep every time, you may be harming other parts of your body and putting yourself at risk of various illness like heart attack, stroke, obesity and diabetes.