Researchers discovered eating foods rich in vitamin E such as in almonds, peanuts, pine nuts and beta carotene in dried apricots lowered the risk of cancer as well as heart disease in middle aged or older people.
beta carotene
The Health & Nutritional Benefits of Saluyot
Saluyot or jute plant is so common in the Philippines that it does not need to be propagated, it is just like other weeds thriving in non cultivated open fields as well as tilled farmlands. They come in green or red variety.
Tomato Is Beneficial To Your Cardiovascular Health
With the alarming rate among adults having high blood pressure, one can sincerely calls for an advocacy for healthy eating habits and lifestyle practices to avoid cardiovascular diseases.
Sweet Fruits Not Harmful To Diabetics – Study
A study conducted by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DoST), showed that fruits’ slow glucose release when taken in, helped keep its sugar from affecting the sugar level of a person.
The Health Benefits Of The Lowly Camote
Few people have known that sweet potato or camote in Philippine vernacular which has been commonly used as an idiom associated for ‘poor performance’ is a natural source of antioxidant.
A Preschooler Nutrition
Children start to develop their personalities and a keen perception of their environment at an early age.