In maintaining a healthy weight we are being told not to take more than 2,000 calories a day.
Fruit & Vegetable Salads Have To Be Paired With Correct Fat Dressing To Get Health Benefits – Study
A new study claims that while low-fat salad dressings contain less calories, they also have fewer health benefits.
Dieting By Reducing Calories Intake, Stimulates Appetite While Your Brain Magnifies Food Cravings Into An Obsession
Scientific evidence confronts dieters, reducing calories alters your metabolism and brain, so your body hoards fat and your mind magnifies food cravings into an obsession.
New Way Of Calculating Calories & Weight Loss Would Revolutionize People Tackle Obesity
Obesity rates have doubled worldwide in the past 30 years, coinciding with a growing food surplus, and the ensuing epidemic has sparked a multibillion dollar weight loss industry that has largely failed to curb the problem.
High Calorie Diet Links To Likely Double The Risk Of Mild Cognitive Impairment
People who consumed more than 2,100 calories a day were far more likely to double the risk of ‘mild cognitive impairment’ (MCI) than those who ate less calories, according to researchers.
Cutting Calories On Your Diet Prevent From Early Brain Aging – Study
Cutting calories activates a molecule that keeps the brain young and help to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, researchers have said.
Researchers Induce Obesity To Primates, Aim To Treat Condition Of Obese Humans
A group of researchers is using the monkeys to compare gastric bypass surgery with weight loss from forced dieting.
Campaign Urges Food Chain’s Corporate Symbol Ronald McDonald To Retire
A campaign by a non-profit entity, Corporate Accountability International, is urging McDonald’s to stop marketing junk food to kids and retire its corporate symbol Ronald McDonald.
Developing A Lean Flat Abdomen
Getting rid of tummy fats and developing a lean flat abdomen is a challenging task. If you have a bulging abdomen with extra layers of fats, you can get rid of it by doing regular tummy exercise and adopt a healthy diet.
Pure Fruit Juice Not Likely To Make Kids Obese
Pure fruit juice provide provides essential nutrients and in moderation may actually help children maintain a healthy weight.