People have two types of fat, white fat which stores energy and accumulates from not exercising enough, and brown fat which burns it, which is highly efficient at dissipating stored energy as heat.
Dieting By Reducing Calories Intake, Stimulates Appetite While Your Brain Magnifies Food Cravings Into An Obsession
Scientific evidence confronts dieters, reducing calories alters your metabolism and brain, so your body hoards fat and your mind magnifies food cravings into an obsession.
New Way Of Calculating Calories & Weight Loss Would Revolutionize People Tackle Obesity
Obesity rates have doubled worldwide in the past 30 years, coinciding with a growing food surplus, and the ensuing epidemic has sparked a multibillion dollar weight loss industry that has largely failed to curb the problem.
‘Detox’ Diets That Can Boost Health & Cleanse The Body Of Chemicals Are Unfounded – Nutritional Scientist
Detoxification or ‘detox’ diets may recommend consuming large amounts of fruits, vegetables and juices, and drinking large amounts of water, while avoiding caffeine, sugar and alcohol.
Kate Middleton Has Lost Weight, A Border Of Being Skinny
The stress that Kate Middleton was subjected from her recent royal wedding and the hectic activities that comes along with it, must have probably taken its toll why she has lost weight.
Dragon Fruit – Its Health & Economic Benefits
Dragon fruit, is locally known as “saniata” in northern Philippines. The fruit belongs to the Cactaceae family.
Overwork Can Be Fatal To Your Health
There are about more than ten percent of professionals in the developing world who are overworked according to estimates.
The Health Benefits Of The Lowly Camote
Few people have known that sweet potato or camote in Philippine vernacular which has been commonly used as an idiom associated for ‘poor performance’ is a natural source of antioxidant.
Developing A Lean Flat Abdomen
Getting rid of tummy fats and developing a lean flat abdomen is a challenging task. If you have a bulging abdomen with extra layers of fats, you can get rid of it by doing regular tummy exercise and adopt a healthy diet.
Is Skipping Breakfast A Healthy Practice?
Contrary to what some people think that by skipping breakfast you can lose weight. Eating breakfast increases one’s metabolism because the body is burning up the food.