Deficient Of Vitamin D Can Cause Arteries To Stiffen

Stiffer arteries and the inability of blood vessels to relax even to healthy people is linked to lack of vitamin D, according to the Emory-Georgia Tech Predictive Health Institute.

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The Potential Uses And Health Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger is known to be a good source of several vitamins and minerals, 100 grams of fresh ginger contains 6 milligrams of vitamin C, 60 milligrams of phosphorus and 20 milligrams of calcium. It is also a good source of the mineral manganese.

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The Health Benefits Of Barley

Barley grain is as ancient as the human civilization but sadly overlooked as far as the health benefits we can derived.

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Vegetarian Has Longer Life Expectancy Than Non Vegetarian – Study

Study suggests that people whose nutritional regimen consists only of foods derived from plants, have a longer life expectancy and enjoy a better quality of life than people who eat both animal and plant products (omnivores).

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Heart Attack & Strokes As Devastating To Women As They Are To Men

The World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations recently reported that fewer people worldwide now die of infectious diseases and more of chronic conditions such as heart disease and stroke.

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How Many Eggs Can We Safely Consume A Day?

The egg intake came into scrutiny in the late sixties when the American Heart Association (AHA) advised people to limit their intake of eggs to three to four per week ( two for people with known coronary disease) when scientific research established that a persistently high blood cholesterol level leads to atherosclerosis (i.e. deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels), a major underlying cause of heart attack and stroke.

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